Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Guilty as Charged

Erika just loves to crawl around the house and find new things to play with. This usually leads to her getting up to no good. I caught her pulling on the TP roll the other day and she had the most guilty, but smug, look on her face . . .

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Granny and Da-Da's House

Sorry for the lag in posting - I left our camera in Erika's diaper bag and then left her diaper bag in the church nursery last Sunday (I'd lose my kids if someone didn't keep bringing them back to me). So, after a week without having a camera, I'm finally catching up on some blogging.

Here's some pictures of the girls' visit to Sequim to see Granny and "Da-Da." Ken was having a guys weekend in Arizona, so we headed out to see my parents and went to the park a few times and feed the ducks with my dad. It was a very restful time and the girls had a blast!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Stepping On Up

Guess who we found at the top of the stairs the other day? Erika has been just climbing away and she surprised us the other day by reaching the top stair without us even hearing a peep from her. Now, climbing the stairs is her new favorite thing to do - especially when she can do it with big sister! We're bringing out the baby gate now.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Basket Case

I was cooking dinner the other night, and had just unloaded a load of warm clothes from the dryer. All of a sudden, I faintly heard the laundry basket scoot across the floor. I went over to it and found that Erika had climbed into the basket. I started laughing and she just had the cutest guilty smile on her face.