Monday, October 6, 2008

Marilynn's BIG Day!

I'm pleased to report that Marilynn went poo-poo in the potty tonight! Words cannot describe how incredibly proud I am of her - I never thought I'd be so excited about poop. She was so cute as she sat down on the potty and announced "It's coming! The poo-poo is coming." Then she had the biggest surprised look on her face and proudly announced "The poo-poo came out. It's in the potty." She immediately wanted to call the grandparents to announce this huge accomplishment. She told Granny, Grandad, Uncle Christian and Paw-Paw and they all cheered for her. We'll have to call Maw-Maw in the morning, and I'll issue a press release shortly after that.

To avoid her not speaking to me during her teenage years, I've decided to not post pictures of the occasion.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

yay congrats Marilynn!!!