Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gingerbread party

We hosted our first gingerbread party today! We started off with a kid-friendly lunch (PB&J sandwiches in the shape of gingerbread men (and women), star-shaped pizzas, fruit, veggies and cheese and crackers). From there, we went into the straight into the sugar rush with dozens of kinds of candies (okay, I went overboard on the candy) and everyone getting their own gingerbread house to decorate and take home with them.

Marilynn invited two of her friends from school and the Collins kids to the party. She was the perfect hostess!

Marilynn got just about every kind of candy on the roof of her house.

1 comment:

Christy said...

very impressed that you took that on! you should've taken an after picture so we could see the damage done! lol