Saturday, August 2, 2008

Talk About Pressure

Marilynn has been doing very well in school, I must say. She knows all of her letters except that she sometimes calls a "K" an "X." I say it's no big deal - she has time. But, her teacher has been trying very hard to rectify this. So, Marilynn came home from school on Friday with the letter "K" tattooed (don't worry, it's a temporary one) to her wrist. Her teacher thought that if she saw it every second of the day, it would help her remember. It's supposed to last on her wrist for three days, and we are to ask her about it every opportunity that we have with her over the weekend. Boy - what's going to happen when this girl gets to long division?


Mary said...

Maybe if you tell her K is for Ken she might remember!

Christian said...

Or you could tell her that X is for Xenomorphic.